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Intimate Apparel

By Lynn Nottage
Directed by Philip Akin

In 1905 opportunities for Black women are in short supply. Thirty-five year old Esther has a gift for sewing exquisite garments but the richness of her work belies the loneliness in her life. An unexpected letter opens up a world of opportunities and she risks everything to wed a Caribbean stranger.

“Intimate Apparel is one of those productions so perfect in every way, it’s hard to praise properly.” Richard Ouzounian, Toronto Star

Three Dora Mavor Moore Award nominations – Outstanding Production, Direction & Costume Design (awarded)

Canadian Premiere

Jan 15- Feb 3 2008

Presented by the Canadian Stage Company at the Bluma Appel Theatre
2009—2010 Season
February 8 to March 6

Presented by the Citadel Theatre Company at the Shoctor Theatre,
Edmonton, Alberta

Tamara Marie Kucheran

Set and Costume Design

Renee Brode

Lighting Design

Todd Charlton

Sound Design

Michael Sinclair

Stage Manager

Andrea Shurman

Assistant Stage Manager

Doug Morum

Production Manager