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Venus’ Daughter

By Meghan Swaby
World Premiere

Venus’s Daughter is a play about the intersection of myths, fables and the realities of how women and their bodies are viewed. Told from many perspectives it weavestogether song, comedy and rhythm to create rich moving drama. Inspired by the life of Sara Baartman (Hottentot Venus), Venus’ Daughter peels back the layers of pop culture obsession with the black female form and the silence around the infamous figure, uncovering her connection to a young woman almost 200 years after her death. A timely and clever piece by a bold new Canadian voice, Meghan Swaby.

Michael Sinclair

Stage Manager

Patrick Lavender

Production Manager


Joe Pagnan

Set and Costume Design

Kaitlin Hickey

Lighting and Projection Design

Lyon Smith

Sound Design

Esie Mensah

Movement Design


Tawiah M'carthy

Assistant Director

Sara Allison

Apprentice Stage Manager